Dust for Dandelions. Not long ago, my friend Jason left Washington and journeyed east under an August sky. He hoped to explore the bike scene of the Intermountain West. At that time, I was staying in Kamas, Utah and suggested we meet on the western bench of the Wasatch where there was rumor of an old-school shuttle line. The following morning we drove to the top before God and Sun made their rise. From the start, the trail turned into an eroded and janky descent. The overall landscape was sideswiped by a harsh and blown-out morning light. The conditions of light and trail continued to deteriorate as the morning progressed. Not what either of us were anticipating but we made do. Once we funneled-out of the trail’s bottom, the conditions proved to be insignificant. We simply created our own fun along the way and maximized what we were given. I would venture to say the dandelions were stoked as well. They finally got the dusting they had been missing for a long time.